The holidays are upon us and I don’t mean Christmas. Halloween is the best time for nerds you’re allowed to display your zombie, vampire, werewolf, Star Trek, Star Wars, comic book memorabilia without judgment. But shopping for nerd stuff doesn’t begin or end with Halloween. You can add nerd needs to a wedding registry on registries like ( you can add ANYTHING it doesn’t have to be shop specific like a Macy, Target or Crate & Barrel registry. There are two geek fantastic sites I’d like to discuss – Geek Chic and Think Geek. These are two places that I use and are tried and true (besides Etsy, my first love).
Geek Chic ( is not what you think it is. They are a furniture company made for gamers. Whether your game is D & D, Xbox, Play Station, Risk, puzzles, scrabble or anything else. Their tables, desks, and chairs are handmade works of art. They are as functional as they are beautiful. As a wedding gift to us my husband and I bought their Hoplite table as a coffee table. We eyed this furniture for awhile. They are a pretty penny. We saw them first at the 2010 Emerald City Comicon, being that they’re a local company based in Everett, why wouldn’t they be there? It wasn’t until 2011’s Emerald City Comicon that we went ahead and put our names down on the waiting list. Yes there is a waiting list and a deposit required when you decide to purchase one of these magnificent wooden alters of nerdisism. We’ve been in the queue for our table since Mach 2011 we were informed in July that our table is being moved up the queue to verification/manufacturing. It’s worth waiting for, trust me. Now we’re waiting to hear from our Logistics Liaison and the delivery team to have our golden table of geekdom brought to us. They will customize your table to your needs. Do you want a velvet inlay? A washable/writable inlay? Drawers that offer cushioned, custom controller holders for your XBOX or Playstation? They have whatever you can imagine and if they don’t they’ll make it for you.
Think Geek ( is where I go when I need a nerd fix, whether that fix is Star Wars Rebel Alliance headphones or a Star Trek Pizza cutter, they have whaterver you need to spruce up your home, make your life easier and decorate your body. We put a lot of items from Thin Geek on our Wedding Registry – Salt and Pepper grenade shakers, MagnoGrip (magnetic wristband holds nails, screws, etc) and our friends even took the initiative and got us things from there not on our registry, like the large yard zombie. They have books, tools, apparel, home & office, gadgets, geek toys, edibles and computer stuff. Whatever your little nerdy heart desires.

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