Thursday, February 23, 2012

Your Daily Dose of Duke #9

Many things have passed since Duke was able to run freely outside. Mostly rain. Mostly fog. Mostly cold. Duke has had many adventures. He's gotten homemade treats (see previous blog post). He's gotten to walk down to the beach and run amok at sunset and this morning he and I finally got to watch one of our sunrises again. Duke also helped me to reach my outdoor running goal but I don't have a good picture of that mostly because I was running.

Pictures of the various sunrises and sunsets can be viewed on my flicker account    LeilaFace's Flickr

Duke is giving me his Paw in the hopes of receiving his Beer nuts - Spent grain PB treat.

The treat massacre begins.

No joke, he licked the floor clean.

Our Sunset walk.

Today's sunrise.

He loves running on sand

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