Tim and I had both had insomnia last night. Right now I am running on about 4 ½ hours of sleep. But we both persevered so late because I wanted to wish him a happy birthday at midnight and he wanted to make sure when the clock struck midnight that he would be able to play and win one of our ongoing games.
Tim has turned 30 and last night he told me the two things (for whatever reason) he never thought would happen is that he would live to see 30 and he would get married. At the stroke of midnight he had those things come completely true. Tim and I have been married almost 8 months. We have great plans for the future and we still haven’t had a single major fight (I know it will come eventually).
We do intend on having nerdy, comic-book addicted children in our 30s we do intend on buying a house and growing roots. When or where this is going to happen is anyone’s guess. I feel your 30s are a time for change and adjustment and figuring out what works best for you and where you’re most comfortable, but I am also, 28.
To make sure Tim understood the importance of this birthday, I went a little overboard in the planning. His actual birthday is today, March 13th. But Saturday, March 10th we had a party in Seattle. Today he was awoken with a big filling breakfast and coffee. Tonight we go out to dinner, March 21-28th we go to Orlando to see our best friends, his family and hit up Disneyworld and Universal Studios (among other things) and finally March 30, 31 & April 1st is the Emerald City Comicon where we have rented a hotel room in Seattle. Yes, I know how to party. Yes, I love my husband. Yes, I want him to know that each year I spend with him is indeed special. Will I throw him such a lavish month-long celebration when he’s 40? No. He’ll be a big boy then.
1 comment:
How nice you were there for his two largest mile stones to date
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